16:00-17:30 CET

16:00-17:30 CET

16:00-17:30 CET

Join the MPE European Young Myeloma
Patients Group!

Join the MPE European Young Myeloma Patients Group!

Myeloma Access Atlas →
The Myeloma Access Atlas is an online platform designed to provide myeloma and AL amyloidosis patient advocates with the information they need to work effectively on access issues. It provides country-specific and comparative information on European health systems, including data on system performance and on access to treatment and care. Through the Atlas Coaching Programme, MPE provides advocacy tools and one-to-one sypport designed to help patient organisations develop and implement effective strategies to address identified access issues. Visit the Myeloma Access Atlas here.
Myeloma is a rare, incurable disease of the bone marrow and accounts for approximately one per cent of cancers. In this animated video, we explain what myeloma is, how it is diagnosed, its symptoms and its treatments.
MPE Advocate Development Programme →
The ADP is a 12-month training programme designed to develop participants’ advocacy knowledge and skills to better serve patients locally, nationally and across Europe. Through the course, participants improve their understanding of clinical research and development, mechanisms of accessing diagnostics and drugs, interaction with stakeholders, including clinicians and industry, and the basics of evidence-based advocacy. Read more information here.
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