13:00  13:30Welcome
 Opening Remarks, Hans Scheurer, MPE President, and Ananda Plate, MPE CEO
13.30 15.00Updates in Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis and Treatment
 The early detection and diagnosis of MGUS and SMM, Marivi Mateos, MD, PhD, Director of the Myeloma Unit at the University Hospital of Salamanca-IBSAL, Spain
 New developments and controversies in the myeloma treatment pathway, Mohamad Mohty, MD, PhD, Head of the Hematology and Cellular Therapy Department at the Saint-Antoine Hospital at University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France
 Moderated Q&A
15.00 15.15Coffee Break
15.15 16.45Multiple myeloma patients and patient organizations in the time of COVID-19
 COVID-19 and the effect on the treatment and care for myeloma and AL amyloidosis patients in Europe, Mohamad Mohty
 MPE members response to and resiliency during COVID-19, MPE Member Organizations
 Moderated Q&A
16.45 17.00Wrap-up, Hans Scheurer, MPE President, and Ananda Plate, MPE CEO
17:00 17:30Coffee Break
17:30 18:30MPE 10th Anniversary Happy Hour! Join us as we cheers to 10 years of MPE, celebrate all that we’ve achieved together, and enjoy a live show from renowned mind reader, Ashley GreenPlease note that this is open to MPE members and invited guests only.
9:00    9:15Welcome
 Opening Remarks, Hans Scheurer, MPE President, and Ananda Plate, MPE CEO
9.15 10.45AL Amyloidosis & other MM related diseases
 Developments in AL amyloidosis: diagnostic centres of expertise, treatment pathway, and stages of the disease, Monique Minnema, MD, PhD University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands
 Myeloma related diseases, their presentation and effects on symptoms and quality of life, Paolo Milani, MD, PhD, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
 Moderated Q&A
10.45 11.00Coffee break
11.00 12.30Access to new treatments
 Immunotherapy in the treatment of myeloma and AL amyloidosis, Marivi Mateos
 A clinical perspective on access in central and eastern European and Balkan countries, Roman Hájek, M.D., Ph.D., University Hospital Ostrava, Czech Republic
 Moderated Q&A
12.30 13.30Lunch break
13.30 15.00Empowering Patient Organisations
 Palliative Care and quality of life, Christina Gerlach, M.D.
 Fundraising for patient groups and collaboration with industry, Jan Geissler, Chair, Workgroup of European Cancer Patient Advocacy Networks (WECAN)
15:00 15:15Coffee Break
15.15 16.45Panel discussion on Minimal Residual Disease (MRD)
 Hans Jacobs, M.D., Ph.D., Medical Immunologist, Radboud University Medical Center, NL
 Paula van Hennik, Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) and member at the European Medicine Agency (EMA)
 Hans Scheurer, MPE President
16.45 17.00Wrap up and close, Hans Scheurer, MPE President, and Ananda Plate, MPE CEO