March 26, 2018
Myeloma patient survey to inform development of personalised medicine tool
Myeloma patient survey to inform development of personalised medicine tool
Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE) is running a survey for European myeloma patients to understand their quality of life and how this is impacted by treatment side-effects.
The survey is designed to inform Horizon 2020 MMPredict, a project consortium developing a personalised medicines tool to predict the most effective treatment strategy for patients based on their genetic profile.
You can read an English Q&A about MMPredict here.
The Q&A is also available in German. You can read it here.
If you are a myeloma patient, we would be grateful if you would take the time to complete the survey through one of the following links:
HORIZON 2020 – Myeloma Patient Questionnaire |
HORIZON 2020 – Questionnaire Patient Myélome Multiple |
HORIZON 2020 – Questionario per pazienti con mieloma multiplo |
HORIZON 2020 – Fragebogen für Patienten mit multiplem Myelom |
HORIZON 2020 – Vragenlijst voor Multipel Myeloompatiënten |
We welcome responses from myeloma patients from any European country. The survey will take an estimated 20 minutes to complete.
How will the results be used?
The results of the survey will be used to develop the outcomes of MMpredict. By combining the responses of all participating patients, the aim is to have a better understanding of the most relevant quality of life issues for patients and relate these to specific treatments or disease characteristics. This will provide valuable insights to help the project consortium understand the kind of personalised medicine tool that could be valuable for patients and their doctors when choosing treatments.
Responses to the survey will remain confidential and will only be used within the context of the research.
Where can I find more information?
If you have any questions about the survey, please email
You can see the MMPredict website here:
On behalf of the project consortium, many thanks for your help.