September 25, 2023

MPE attending International Myeloma Society (IMS) Annual Meeting in Athens

MPE attending International Myeloma Society (IMS) Annual Meeting in Athens

Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE) is attending the International Myeloma Society (IMS) Annual Meeting in Athens, Greece, from 27 – 30 September. This year, the IMS meeting corresponds with European Myeloma Day, allowing us to engage with the whole myeloma community to mark this important event.


The IMS Annual Meeting brings together myeloma experts from research, nursing, clinical and patient advocacy backgrounds to discuss the latest knowledge and developments in the field. It is a particularly helpful meeting for discussing and interpreting what the latest scientific developments mean for patients in clinical practice across Europe.


Highlights for MPE at IMS 2023 include:

  • Our patient research colleague Silene ten Seldam giving a poster presentation on our research on patient and clinician perspectives on minimal residual disease (MRD). The presentation is during the Poster Session on Wednesday, 27 September, from 1.30 pm – 2.30 pm CET in Trianti Upper Foyer if you are interested in speaking to her about the project and MPE patient research!
  • Attending the Nursing and Allied Health Symposium focusing on important patient topics such as diet and exercise, disparities in myeloma and supporting patients taking steroids.
  • Meetings with important myeloma stakeholders, including our medical advisory committee members, discuss ongoing and new projects and partnerships.
  • Attending a range of talks, roundtable discussions and sessions on topics including optimum upfront treatment for newly diagnosed patients, supportive care in myeloma, MRD negativity and risk stratification, myeloma biology, novel treatment combinations and updates from ongoing clinical trials.


To find out more about IMS 2023, you can view the full programme here.


Follow MPE social media channels to see live updates on our attendance at the meeting. MPE will also update our members on key outcomes from the meeting upon our return.


In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, please contact