October 19, 2020

Register now for MPE’s webinar on Evidence-Based Patient Advocacy

Register now for MPE’s webinar on Evidence-Based Patient Advocacy


Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE), in collaboration with the European Cancer Organisation’s Patient Advisory Committee, will hold a webinar on Evidence-Based Patient Advocacy on Tuesday, 17 November from 14:00 – 17:15 CET.

This webinar is included in the MPE Advocate Development Programme (ADP) and will be given by Jan Geissler, member of the European Cancer Organisation’s Patient Advisory Committee and founder and CEO of Patvocates. Join us to learn more about the importance of evidence-based advocacy and the practical applications of using patient data. The lecture includes 2 sessions:

Session 1: Evidence-Based Patient Advocacy
Tuesday, 17 November from 14:00 – 15:30 CET


  • The importance of evidence and evidence-based advocacy
  • Different applications for patient data and evidence
  • Data that may assist patient advocacy in medicines development and regulatory decisions
  • Practical examples of the utility of patient-generated evidence in advocacy

Session 2: Applying Evidence-Based Patient Advocacy to European Cancer Organisation Summit 2020
Tuesday, 17 November from 15:45 – 17:15 CET


Registration is free of charge. Space is limited, sign up now!



Register to attend the European Cancer Summit 2020 

Every year, the European Cancer Organisation brings together leading oncology specialists, patient advocates, politicians and policy-makers to discuss the main issues impacting cancer policy, for the benefit of citizens, cancer patients and healthcare professionals across Europe.

The European Cancer Summit 2020 will include sessions on the EU Cancer Mission, Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan; the Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer, among others

This year, the European Cancer Summit 2020 will take place on November 18 – 19 as a virtual congress. To help support our members in their ongoing education and advocacy, MPE will be sponsoring one representative from each member organisation to attend this Summit as a patient advocate. MPE is offering 5 registrations on a first-come, first-served basis.

We want to ensure that all interested organizations are able to participate in the congress regardless of ability to pay.

In order to be sponsored (MPE members only), follow the steps below:

  • First pre-register as a patient advocate here: European Cancer Organisation 2020
  • Then, send the name of your representative and your organization to our Communications Manager, Ana Vallejo, at vallejo@mpeurope.org.
  • After you preregister, you will receive additional information from the European Cancer Summit 2020 with instructions on how to pay the registration fee. Once you have paid the registration fee, please send us your proof of payment along with the MPE reimbursement form.

Finally, you must preregister for the patient advocate rate (150 Euro) .  


Applications now open for the MPE Advocate Development Programme (ADP)

The MPE Advocate Development Programme (ADP) is a 12-month training programme designed to develop participants’ advocacy knowledge and skills to better serve patients locally, nationally, and across Europe.

Each year 5 to 10 advocates from different countries join the ADP to improve their understanding of clinical research and development, mechanisms of accessing diagnostics and drugs, interaction with stakeholders including clinicians and industry, and the basics of evidence-based advocacy. In addition to monthly sessions, the programme includes participation in important myeloma scientific meetings in Europe (with travel and accommodation covered by MPE) such as the European Haematology Association (EHA) Annual Meeting and the European Cancer Summit.

The call for expression of interest to join the MPE ADP 2021 is open. Find more information here and submit your application before October 31, 2020.