What is important to working age people living with myeloma?

Project Launch date: Friday 25th February 2022

This project aims to examine the preferences of European working-age myeloma patients. The research will expand our understanding of what is important to patients who are younger than the average age of patients
with myeloma (average age at diagnosis being 70), what it is like to live with multiple myeloma, what the priorities for treatment are, and what would help working-age patients and/or their family. A segment of
the project will be dedicated to a discussion on early supportive and palliative care to understand more about how patients and carers have been involved in discussions around this important piece of the treatment and care pathway.

This will be a qualitative research project including patients from both eastern and western Europe to better understand differences in issues affecting this patient population.

The outputs of this project will advance and expand our understanding of patients living with myeloma, which will inform future research and the care and treatment of patients.

This project is managed by MPE and conducted by the University of Stirling.

Recruitment was led by MPE and its German, Polish and Czech members.

Read some of the outcomes of this project in the publications below:

To stay up to date on the project’s progress, follow @MyelomaStudy on Twitter or visit the project website.

Please email research@mpeurope.org if you have any questions regarding this project.
