February 12, 2019

ASH 2018 highlights in myeloma

ASH 2018 highlights in myeloma

Myeloma Patients Europe held a webinar to review the most recent myeloma findings presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) that took place in San Diego (California, United States) in December 2018.

The talk was given by Dr María Victoria Mateos, Associate Professor of Hematology and Consultant. Physician of the Haematology Department at the University Hospital of Salamanca, Spain.

Find below the recording of this webinar or watch it on our YouTube Channel:


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-yFWm1ctYY&width=650&height=366&iv_load_policy=3&centervid=1&rel=0[/embedyt]