MPE launches Horizon2020 CARAMBA video on CAR-T cell therapy in myelomaMPE, Myeloma, VideosJuly 23, 2018
Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE) joins project consortium looking at the role of innovative CAR-T immunotherapy in multiple myelomaMPE, MyelomaMarch 5, 2018
SURVEY: Reasonable agreements between pharmaceutical companies and patient advocatesMPEOctober 6, 2016
MPE present at the XXXVI World Congress of the International Society of HematologyConferences, MPEApril 19, 2016
Slovak translation of the MPE Report on Myeloma Patient Perspectives is now availableMPE, Patient evidenceOctober 31, 2013
Public Launch: MPE report on Myeloma Patients Perspectives (14 June 2013)MPE, Myeloma, Patient evidenceJune 14, 2013