MPE to hold the “EHA 2016 Highlights in myeloma” webinar on 14th JulyConferences, MPE, MyelomaJune 24, 2016
MPE encourages EMA to review its negative recommendation for ixazomibAccess, MPE, MyelomaAugust 16, 2016
Myeloma patient survey to inform development of personalised medicine toolMPE, Myeloma, Patient evidenceMarch 26, 2018
Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE) relaunches Myeloma Access Atlas platformAccess, MPE, MyelomaOctober 19, 2021
Open call for members to participate in patient information pilot (deadline Mon 12 February)MPEFebruary 5, 2018
MPE provided feedback on the HTA Implementing Regulation on joint scientific consultations on medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices at Union levellatest, MPE, NewsNovember 27, 2024