#FacesOfMyeloma: learning to live fully with myeloma
My name is Ritva, and I live in Finland. I got my myeloma diagnosis four and a half years ago, when I was 63 years old.
The first days after the diagnosis, I thought this is only a bad dream, but I had to accept the fact that myeloma was now part of my life. My family (husband, three adult children with their partners and one grandchild) helped me find hope and trust that my life will still be worth living. We became closer to each other and now speak about more difficult topics than before.
My husband inspired me to move as much as possible. I could not walk almost at all before I got the diagnosis. My back was aching so much, but as I started to get the medicines, the pain was less intense. We started with little walks and after a month I could walk for almost an hour. As I could walk properly, I started to walk with my three neighbours, one at the time. It was very motivational to notice how the walking became easier and easier. It was also nice to talk with other people. I have known these three ladies for decades, so with them there is no forbidden subjects. My family, neighbours, sister and friends became my lifebelt. I could feel their kindness and it really helped me over this hard period.
Getting sick was mentally hard and it took many months for me to get on with this fact. Sitting still is my way to work out in my mind to be here, and not wonder about the past or the future. Meditation gives me peace and calmness and helps me cope with this disease. I face my feelings, like fear, and I don’t avoid or hide them. Every day I try to remember the things I can be grateful for, and I try to notice the beauty that is around me all the time.
Check Faces of myeloma series to read more stories.