May 10, 2023

MPE appointed to new HTA Stakeholder Network

MPE appointed to new HTA Stakeholder Network

Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE) is pleased to announce it has been appointed to the new Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Stakeholder Network of the European Commission. This means that MPE will be actively engaged and consulted in the implementation of the EU HTA Regulation.


Kate Morgan, Co-Chief Executive of Myeloma Patients Europe, commented:

“We are really pleased to have been appointed to this important network. Across MPE membership, we have extensive experience of national HTA processes and best practice methods of engaging patients and their families in decisions. We have a lot to share and contribute to shaping new European HTA and ensuring patient involvement remains a key component of the process and look forward to formally engaging with the HTA Coordination Group”.



The EU Regulation on HTA sets out a requirement for the establishment of an HTA Stakeholder Network. A call for applications was disseminated at the end of 2022.

The aim of the HTA Stakeholder Network is to provide an official way for the HTA Coordination Group (the body responsible for coordinating joint EU HTA) to engage with stakeholders, such as patient organisations and professional societies, in their programme of work.

It is anticipated that members of the Stakeholder Network will primarily be involved in:

  • Consultations in preparation or amendment of the HTA Coordination Group’s annual work programme
  • Meetings with the HTA Coordination Group at least once a year

You can see a full list of participants here.


Next steps

MPE is looking forward to the first meeting, which will be held in the coming months and will update our membership on our involvement.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please email