MPE COVID-19 Scholarship Programme

As part of the work that Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE) is doing to provide members with support during the COVID-19 pandemic, MPE is extending the MPE Scholarship and Capacity Building Programme. Through this extension, MPE will be offering up to 10 scholarships between 2.500 and 5.000€ to develop or adapt programmes or activities related to or affected by COVID-19 or to support the organisation’s capacity, sustainability or resilience in relation to the impact of COVID-19.

The amount of the scholarship and the organisations awarded will be decided by a committee based on the content of the application, detailed budget provided, impact of the funding and the sustainability of the organisation beyond the scholarship term.

MPE will continue working on the COVID-19 workstream and offering  members resources including:

  • MPE is developing and providing useful information on COVID- 19 along with translations and infographic templates to members so they can use these materials with their own branding. Check this information here.
  • MPE is also working in collaboration with the Workgroup of European Cancer Patient Networks (WECAN) to develop a set of guides and instructions which should help patient organisations to run successful virtual meetings. Check this information here.

The applications should fulfil the following requirements:

  • Applicants should be an MPE member.
  • Only one application per organisation is allowed.
  • The grant received must be used either:
    • To develop or adapt programmes or activities related to or affected by COVID-19, either to develop them virtually or to provide the organisation with the tools needed to adapt the current activity to the new reality due to COVID-19
    • To support the organisation’s capacity, sustainability or resilience in relation to the impact of COVID-19.  This could relate to staffing, facilities, or other associated costs which have impacted the organisation’s ability to operate through the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The applicants should complete the form below and submit a detailed outline of the programme or activity on a separate document, which includes relevant details such as project rationale, the target population, the number of people served, how the COVID-19 situation has affected this activity or programme, and how you have adapted the program to be delivered during COVID-19.
  • A detailed budget for the whole programme should be included.
  • The application should include an expressed commitment to carry out the programme or any proof that the grant is used to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 if the organisation is awarded. If the programme or activity is not developed, the organisation must give back the grant.
  • Any published materials (brochures, Internet sites, leaflets, banners, etc.) should mention MPE and include the MPE logo.
  • Speakers’ fees are not allowed.
  • All applicants must spend this grant before 31 July 2021 and submit a feedback report to state the outcomes of the programme when the activity is over. Failure to submit a report will render the organization ineligible from receiving future scholarship payments.
  • All applications will be reviewed by a committee composed by MPE members in charge of selecting up to10 awarded organisations and the amount of each scholarship.
  • MPE commits to provide one-to-one capacity building support to members to implement the activity, if needed.

Apply until 31 July 2020!