MPE General Assembly 2021

General guidance and information

Monday 22nd March, 4pm – 7pm CET

MPE General Assembly: member guidance and how-to guides. Please click here to access the guidance document.


Members have received an email with a registration link for the General Assembly, and must register their attendance in order to receive access details for the virtual meeting.

You can still register your attendance here if you haven’t already done so.

Proxy voting and voting rights

  • All members may attend the General Assembly, but only Full Members have the right to vote.
  • The person casting/holding their vote must be the one to complete the registration form. You may not register on behalf of a voter.
  • Each full member may be represented by another member at the General Assembly, providing them with a proxy to vote on their behalf. If your organisation will vote by proxy, you can indicate this in the registration form.
  • Please note that you will be asked to provide additional documentation to support your nomination of a proxy voter and these can be uploaded using the registration form.

Agenda and papers

Agenda and supporting papers will be provided to attending members no later than Monday 22nd February 2021.

Meeting platform

The General Assembly will take place using Zoom Meetings (the same platform as last year). Once you have registered, you will receive the link to sign in from your laptop, desktop, or iPad.

Members will be reminded how to use the functionality of Zoom before the meeting starts.  Tech Support will be on hand during the meeting in case of any problems.

Members will be provided with technical support by the MPE team during the meeting, and can access general Zoom support here.

Meeting environment

Members are asked to observe some rules of virtual meeting etiquette to ensure the meeting runs smoothly and without unnecessary disruption.  These are listed below:

  • Please ensure your meeting environment is quiet, well-lit and free from disruption. Please try and keep family members, pets and children out of the virtual meeting room.
  • When not speaking, please mute your microphone
  • If you would like to make a point, please use the “Raise Hand” function
  • Please ensure that your image quality is high-resolution, and we can clearly see your face. Please use a webcam if possible.
  • Please use headphones, or ideally, a headset so we can clearly hear you.

Please ensure that your internet speed is sufficient to join the meeting.  If you have problems during the meeting with your connection, dial-in details will be provided.

Voting during the meeting

For voting which does not need to take place by secret vote, members will be asked to vote using the Raise Hand function in Zoom.  For the Elections to the Board, voting will take place through the Polys system.  Members will be provided with guidance on how to cast their secret vote before and during the meeting, and tech support will be on hand to help with the process. You can find out more about the voting system here. In preparation for the vote, members can access a how-to guide here.

For questions about the General Assembly, or any of the information above, please contact the MPE team at

We look forward to seeing you on the 22nd March!