Myeloma Patients Europe’s Board welcomes you to the General Assembly 2025 candidate elections site. Our organisation has evolved since its inception in 2011, achieving a stronger organisational structure ready to take on the challenges for the coming years. By virtue of the MPE Constitution, the Board is comprised of six to nine Board members. The mandate on the Board is carried out in terms of two years. A maximum of three consecutive terms are permitted. The current Board is comprised of eight Board members:
 |  | Election 2019 | Election 2021 | Election 2022 | Election 2023 | Election 2024 | Election 2025 |
1 | Eriksson, Lise-lott | Elected (1st term) | Elected (2nd term) | Â | Elected (3rd term) | Â | End of 3rd term. Not allowed to stand for re-election |
2 | Loening-Martens, Diane | Â | Â | Elected (1st term) | Â | Elected (2nd term) | Â |
3 | Leonardi, Barbara | Â | Â | Elected (1st term) | Â | Elected (2nd term) | Â |
4 | Zilberman, Zvi | Â | Â | Elected (1st term) | Â | Elected (2nd term) | Â |
5 | Nordby, Reidar | Â | Â | Â | Elected (1st term) | Â | End of 1st term (option to stand for re-election for 2nd term) |
6 | Claus, Vincent | Â | Â | Â | Â | Elected (1st term) | Â |
7 | Doder, Snezana | Â | Â | Â | Â | Elected (1st term) | Â |
8 | Modic, Kristina | Â | Â | Â | Â | Elected (1st term) | Â |
Reidar Nordby will have the option to stand for re-election.
Board member profile
It is highly desirable that the Board is comprised of a mix of professionals that have expertise in the relevant work areas of the organisation. This will ensure the Board is aligned to the organisation’s strategy and supports high quality decision-making. Those with a personal interest in the organisation, such as patients with the relevant expertise are encouraged to consider standing for election to the Board. Any person wishing to present their candidacy to the Board should meet the following criteria:
Ability to:
- Read, write and communicate fluently in English
- Listen, analyse and think clearly and creatively
- Work well with other people both individually and in a group
Willingness to:
- Prepare for and participate in board and committee meetings
- Ask questions
- Take responsibility and follow through on a given assignment
- Open up doors in the community and to potential sources of income
- Develop certain skills if they do not already possess them, such as: cultivate and solicit potential funds and cultivate and identify potential board members and other volunteers
- Read and understand financial statements
- Learn more about the internal rules, programmes and services of MPE
To possess:
- Honesty, sensitivity and a tolerance of differing views
- A friendly, responsive and positive approach
- A genuine concern for the development and work of MPE
Election procedure
1. Candidate standing for election
- A list of candidates will be sent to members one month prior to the General Assembly at which the election will take place
- All candidates must submit a written presentation of their candidacy in time and in the format requested
- Candidates must present themselves virtually at the General Assembly immediately prior to the vote
- Whenever a candidate cannot attend virtually, the Board will have the final decision on whether a candidacy may be presented or not
- In exceptional circumstances, the candidate may ask the Board to accept a replacement or alternative means (e.g. video). This will only be possible if felt appropriate by the Board
2. The voting procedure
- Only full members who are present or represented by proxy at the General Assembly can vote
- The election will be by secret ballot through a secure online voting system
- Members will each be provided with a secret code and will be advised how to use the vote to provide their nominations for election to the Board
- The ballots will be counted by two individuals appointed by the General Assembly who have no interest in the election result
- In the event that there are more candidates than available board positions, the candidates who received the highest number of votes will be deemed elected.
- To become elected as member of the Board, a candidate must receive at least 25% of the votes of members present or represented by proxy
- In the event of a tied vote between two or more candidates, a second round of voting will be organised. This will only involve the candidates who were not elected in the first round. Rounds of voting will continue until all the positions are filled
The newly elected Board members will start their term of office immediately after their election. The specific duties of Board members can be found in the MPE Constitution (English version) and in the MPE internal rules. Â If you would like to submit your candidacy to become an MPE board member, please complete the form below before 17 February 2025: