Introduction to Myeloma

Although myeloma is the second most common form of blood cancer, it only represents 1% of cancers. Many people have never heard of it, so being diagnosed with myeloma can be quite frightening. In some ways, it can be more worrying than being told you have another type of cancer if you have not heard the name before.

You will have a lot of questions, and you will learn a lot about myeloma in the weeks and months to come. It will take time for it to begin to make sense.

This guide gives the answers to most of the things you want to know about myeloma: how it may affect you, what treatments you may have, and how much or how little will change in what you can do.

Learning about it will help you to cope with all the feelings that have come with the diagnosis. It may be a good idea not to read it all at once but to come back to it at any time when you want to know about a particular aspect or to refresh your memory.

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