December 5, 2020

ASH 2020 | Visit our poster on myeloma patient information needs and preferences at ASH 2020!

ASH 2020 | Visit our poster on myeloma patient information needs and preferences at ASH 2020!


Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE), in collaboration with the pharmaceutical company Amgen, launched a survey in 2019 for European myeloma patients to understand their treatment information needs.

The survey was run in 12 European countries: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. This survey reached the target of gathering 1,000 patient responses.

Today the results of this survey will be presented at  American Society of Haematology Annual Meeting in the poster session which will take place from from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM Pacific time (16.00-00.30 CET).  Read the abstract here. If you are registered to attend ASH, don’t miss the poster session!

MPE will summarise the most important results of this survey. Ensure you follow @MyelomaEurope and #ASH20 on twitter and on Facebook to see up-to-date developments.

MPE wants to extend a heartfelt thank-you to every patient who participated and specially to our members for their valuable assistance in reviewing and disseminating the survey in their country. Find here more information about our membership.


About the survey

The survey asked a range of questions designed to better understand myeloma patient information needs and preferences, particularly focusing on the types of information that are valued by patients to make informed treatment decisions.

It also aimed to understand:

  • Patient involvement in their last treatment decision and the factors that influenced this.
  • How information is associated with confidence in treatment decision-making.
  • Communication between healthcare professionals and patients on treatment decisions.

The results of the survey will provide valuable insight into the needs of patients and will be used to inform the information provision strategies of a wide range of stakeholders, including pharmaceutical companies and patient groups.