COVID-19 – National Information

Find here information on COVID-19 for myeloma patients in Croatian, developed by MijelomCRO, one of our members in Croatia. Read more.

One of our Austrian members, Myelom- und Lymphomhilfe Österrecih, is gathering information and resources on COVID-19 for German speaking patients. Read more.

Our Romanian member, S.OS. Mileom has translated into Romanian and shared in the following link the information on COVId-19 developed by MPE and translated into. Read more.

Our amyloidosis member in The Netherlands, Amiloidosis Nederland, has shared the following information in Dutch on COVID-19 for amyloidosis patients. Find here more information in Dutch. Read more.

Find in the following link the information in Norwegian about the current situation of the COVID-19 outbreak and how is this affecting oncohematological patients. Read more.

Our member in France, AF3M, is committed to supporting myeloma patients, their families and carers by sharing the latest information on COVID-19 and how it affects cancer patients. Find here more information in French. Read more.

Our member in the United Kingdom (UK), Myeloma UK, is committed to supporting myeloma patients, their families and carers through this difficult time by making sure everyone can access the latest information and receive advice. Read more.

Recommendations in Spanish of the Spanish Myeloma Group (GEM/Pethema) for the treatment of myeloma patients during the COVID-19 outbreak. Read more.

To try and mitigate the impact of changing capacity, and to minimise the risk that the immunosppressive effects of myeloma therapy has, the guidance in the below document has been compiled on 25th March 2020 to help support myeloma doctors in their decision-making and treatment planning in the UK. Read more.