AGM 2018 Activities

Building capacity among the MPE members has been one of the top priorities of our organisation since it was established in 2011. In 2016, we started the MPE Scholarship & Capacity Building Programme, delivering over 20 grants to the groups that applied to it and providing the proper training to run those programs and activities successfully. Also, we have happily witnessed how many of you have run a set of actions for the benefit of the myeloma community across Europe.

Our Annual General Meeting is the ideal opportunity to connect with all of you and enhance the networking and exchange of experiences. For that reason, we will hold a session on Friday 20th following the AGM kick-off to know more about your most important outcomes of your programmes and activities.

If you are interested in presenting some of your work, fill in the form below before 19th April. In order to allow to present as many groups as possible, the maximum time for presenting is 7 minutes. After the presentation, you will be invited to participate in an open panel discussion. Once you registered, you will receive a template by e-mail that can be used to articulate your presentation.

The deadline to submit your application ended on 19th April 2018.